'lighten UP!'
Be You...MORE!
how do you 'see' Your life ?
energy & evolve
What does that mean? It's like your own private road map
To being you... more. Remembering You and choosing You.
I am a Speaker who loves Conversations... with You!
Then WE Tap in to 'SEE' (Sense.Energy.Evolve) YOU... More. There is Always a Bigger Picture.
In the Bigger Picture the Universe Is Always Conspiring In Your Favor. Always.
Learn to really Listen. Your wise self is there ready to help. Always.
'SEE' Your SPARKS. Your Messages that are especially for You.
SPARKS ARE messages from the Universe.
Always there and Always Come when WE need them.
So... It's Time... To Pause... and Listen.
Then WE Tap in to 'SEE' (Sense.Energy.Evolve) YOU... More. There is Always a Bigger Picture.
In the Bigger Picture the Universe Is Always Conspiring In Your Favor. Always.
Learn to really Listen. Your wise self is there ready to help. Always.
'SEE' Your SPARKS. Your Messages that are especially for You.
SPARKS ARE messages from the Universe.
Always there and Always Come when WE need them.
So... It's Time... To Pause... and Listen.
helps you 'SEE' your Bigger Picture
understand your STRESS
and what makes Your way foggy
listen... more
Stop & Listen
to Change
And Try something new
Practice this to 'SEE' You...more
Remember there is
and always will be
a bigger picture.
You are and always will be part of that
and possiblities are endless
and the Universe is and always will be
conspring in your favor. Always.
Speaker & Conversations
'Lighten UP!' Answer Your SOS (stage.of.stress) call Notice Your Sparks 'SEE' a Bigger Picture Sense Energy Evolve To 'SEE' You To Be You...More When the world around US is Chaotic... There is always Peace of Mind HOW? Lighten-UP! Remember You... More |
Seminars & Workshops
In Conversation... Large & Small Groups Lighten UP!' 'SEE' you a New Way 'SEE' your SPARKS... Lighten-UP! Be You...MORE |
Speaker with Conversations
experiences helping others to .. 'Lighten UP!'
Conversations with a Team who forgot Why they were there. When they Remembered this is what happened.
Resolving Conflict within a Girl's High School Soft Ball Team and the WIN-WIN a favorite team experience: I worked with a High School Girls Softball team. The drama in their personal relationships with each other had overtaken their goals, focus and purpose. With loss after loss and talking with some of the girls.. it was clear one team member's drama had infected their team spirit.My opening line was "
Hi, My name is Scherie and I want you to know the first thing your Coach thinks about when he wakes up in the morning is how to make your lives miserable and how you can lose more games!" They laughed because I know this is where the drama had taken their focus. There were those who thrived on conflict with drama and those who were frustrated and didn't know what to do about it.
All I did, was ask simple basic questions that required a simple Yes or No. Where we went from there? It was their choice to Re-committed to their part .. of their team. We met a few times over the next couple months and they made a come back. They beat the #1 rated team in the State... all because they were able to Lighten UP! with the very same team members, talent and abilities .. AND We Had Fun ! The leader of drama chose to get back on track. No one lost face. They chose to be a team with a winning team spirit. They chose to let go of the drama 'clutter' that didn't matter.. the stuff that had nothing to do with playing softball and winning games. The stuff that was a drain to their Team Spirit. They experienced the WIN-WIN. Personal and Team Building !
Speaker - Let's Talk about What is True and What is a Lie
Resolving this 4th grade girl's inner conflict was helping her to just be herself. Choose the best for herself, think about her actions! There was struggle among certain girls at school. Was it because of a bully ?
Her grades were declining. She was Angry at home.We talked about her feelings - thinking she wasn't liked and something wasn't right with her. She couldn't understand why they were being mean to her.
All I did was ask ? Do You think they're telling the Truth ? Let's talk about that !
Helping to 'SEE' new options when stuck with feelings of being hurt. 'SEE' how to not take it personal and what action steps to take to make changes in feeling empowered. What happened ? She made new friends. She felt more confident, not believing what others thought or say was true. Interestingly enough, the mean girl, tried to renew the friendship. Roles were flipped and this 4th grade girl was being a good role model to others. We talked about boundaries that help stay true to your self. I talked with her teacher for insight and it was great to hear that her grades and her attitude were improving ! Her Self Respect and Pride was returning .. even stronger than before ! WIN-WIN !
A Life Celebration and Inspirational Speaker
A Beloved Son died from Alcohol and Drug abuse. I help to Celebrate Life when Life right now is Dark. To remember
Who he was in his Heart of Hearts. We Talk and their Hearts opened and all the special memories are there. I too note of the memories and wrote a story in his character. Humor - Yes everyone laughed out loud. It was great! The hurts that led to and at the end of his life. Reminded them Love never dies. To remember everything beautiful. And everyone makes choices for themselves. Right or Wrong. Good & Bad outcomes. They did and do Love him unconditionally and to say in our private conversation... out loud. How hard it was. To accept they couldn't make choices for him. This began their process to Be at Peace.
Resolving Conflict within a Girl's High School Soft Ball Team and the WIN-WIN a favorite team experience: I worked with a High School Girls Softball team. The drama in their personal relationships with each other had overtaken their goals, focus and purpose. With loss after loss and talking with some of the girls.. it was clear one team member's drama had infected their team spirit.My opening line was "
Hi, My name is Scherie and I want you to know the first thing your Coach thinks about when he wakes up in the morning is how to make your lives miserable and how you can lose more games!" They laughed because I know this is where the drama had taken their focus. There were those who thrived on conflict with drama and those who were frustrated and didn't know what to do about it.
All I did, was ask simple basic questions that required a simple Yes or No. Where we went from there? It was their choice to Re-committed to their part .. of their team. We met a few times over the next couple months and they made a come back. They beat the #1 rated team in the State... all because they were able to Lighten UP! with the very same team members, talent and abilities .. AND We Had Fun ! The leader of drama chose to get back on track. No one lost face. They chose to be a team with a winning team spirit. They chose to let go of the drama 'clutter' that didn't matter.. the stuff that had nothing to do with playing softball and winning games. The stuff that was a drain to their Team Spirit. They experienced the WIN-WIN. Personal and Team Building !
Speaker - Let's Talk about What is True and What is a Lie
Resolving this 4th grade girl's inner conflict was helping her to just be herself. Choose the best for herself, think about her actions! There was struggle among certain girls at school. Was it because of a bully ?
Her grades were declining. She was Angry at home.We talked about her feelings - thinking she wasn't liked and something wasn't right with her. She couldn't understand why they were being mean to her.
All I did was ask ? Do You think they're telling the Truth ? Let's talk about that !
Helping to 'SEE' new options when stuck with feelings of being hurt. 'SEE' how to not take it personal and what action steps to take to make changes in feeling empowered. What happened ? She made new friends. She felt more confident, not believing what others thought or say was true. Interestingly enough, the mean girl, tried to renew the friendship. Roles were flipped and this 4th grade girl was being a good role model to others. We talked about boundaries that help stay true to your self. I talked with her teacher for insight and it was great to hear that her grades and her attitude were improving ! Her Self Respect and Pride was returning .. even stronger than before ! WIN-WIN !
A Life Celebration and Inspirational Speaker
A Beloved Son died from Alcohol and Drug abuse. I help to Celebrate Life when Life right now is Dark. To remember
Who he was in his Heart of Hearts. We Talk and their Hearts opened and all the special memories are there. I too note of the memories and wrote a story in his character. Humor - Yes everyone laughed out loud. It was great! The hurts that led to and at the end of his life. Reminded them Love never dies. To remember everything beautiful. And everyone makes choices for themselves. Right or Wrong. Good & Bad outcomes. They did and do Love him unconditionally and to say in our private conversation... out loud. How hard it was. To accept they couldn't make choices for him. This began their process to Be at Peace.