DANDELION ... is at 1st thought for most a weed. When I think of Dandelions I think of my Grama. German farm woman. When dandelions came up in the spring, She had a special tool to dig them up by hand.*Dandelion roots grow really deep. In the spring.. the new leaves are tasty. She fried them in bacon grease, added a little vinegar and sugar.. the bits of bacon. put this delish over mashed potatoes- with Ham and Parsnips on the side. What I didn't know then was dandelion leaves.. when cut in the spring before they flower.. are natures plant for detoxing - a great source of vitamins and minerals. A weed or is it? Pull your weeds carefully to see what they truly are. Eventually this weed transforms. The wind blows the seeds away. 'Let Go' of what is not you. Practice with Patience to 'SEE' You... MORE.